Take a look at what DVTR & friends are up to this Spring:
Saturday, April 10th
10th Annual Frank's Spring Adventure Ride

Sunday, April 11th
Foggy Mountain Trail Prep Day - Hike/Ride in Blain
Join us after the Spring Adventure ride in Blain, PA. Ride your ADV bike over and take a tour of the area and hike a section or two! Let Morgan know if you want to join - dvtrcompetition@gmail.com

Sunday, April 25th
Biannual Penndot Adopt-A-Highway at Burma Road-FRO

Sunday, May 2nd
ECEA CDR Ormand Farms Hare Scramble

TBD In May
Foggy Mountain Trail Prep Weekend - Chainsaw & Hike
Party with the crew and help ensure trails are clear for the event. This will be a big blitz to ensure that Spring greenery didn't hide all the trails!

And a couple of other cool opportunities in April & May that our members have their eyes on:
D6 Cross Country Race at Evansville MX Park
New Sweden 450
White Rose Motorcycle Club Annual Trail Ride
What ride plans do you have this Spring? Comment below and let us know!